Harvard’s decades-old community access TV department has a new name and logo. Click on the link to the cable committee’s ...
A new proposal could help solve Harvard’s athletic field deficiency with a three-way land swap deal. Jim Lee, chair of the ...
Sometimes it takes time for a team’s offense to find its rhythm. The Division 3 Bromfield boys seemed to have found theirs ...
The Press is seeking two proof-reader understudies to substitute when regular staff is absent, and to ultimately join our editorial team. Previous copy editing or proofreading experience is preferred, ...
There is ample research that shows when local newspapers disappear, civic engagement declines and local government suffers. We hope that’s not the case in Harvard. In this townwide issue we have done ...
Townwide distribution of a 32-page paper is a big deal for a little weekly like the Harvard Press. It simply wouldn’t be possible without the support of our advertisers. Subscribers are the lifeblood ...
The annual drawdown of Bare Hill Pond is scheduled to begin next Tuesday, Oct. 1. Abutters were notified Sept. 4. A notice was posted on the town website, though no longer visible, and subscribers to ...
When town administration negotiated in-town parking spaces for the Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) commuter rail shuttle, the hope was that ridership would increase from the dismal ...
At the second session of Harvard’s Annual Town Meeting Saturday, Sept. 28, voters will be asked to approve 13 articles. The meeting’s agenda, or warrant, asks attendees to decide a variety of ...
On Aug. 17, two new rules instituted by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) went into effect, changing the way home ...
Over the years since Mary Abbot founded it in 1927, the Garden Club of Harvard has been shedding conventions. First the ...
This past summer, five Harvard moms and their daughters took a trip to the “poorest community in America,” the Lakota Pine ...