MANUEL SANTIAGO is a contemporary Spanish painter and draftsman, based in Brisbane, Australia. He works in oils, mixed media, charcoal and acrylics, and his work has been represented by Bonhams and ...
Born into a family of Ukrainian descent, Vladimir Horik was born on February 14, 1939 in Edmonton, Alberta. Raised in Western Canada, he has kept this love for the forest and the land. In the early ...
"Wine Dantes" is an artist from the UK who depicts female forms and in particular faces, his favorite subject of study. It is inspired by strong female characters. He translates this into his style ...
Gregory Prescott is a self-taught photographic artist currently based in Shreveport, Louisiana. After living in Los Angeles from 2002 to 2024 and spending nearly four years in New York, he has ...
伊万·帕诺夫 (Ivan Panov) 是当代保加利亚雕塑家。从很小的时候起,他就对艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣,这促使他参加了家乡当地文化社区中心的绘画、雕塑和设计课程。小学毕业后,他踏上了前往特 ...