Marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Tuesday, UN Secretary General António Guterres emphasised the ...
A record number of oral statements are expected to be presented to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as highly awaited ...
The UN human rights chief on Monday urged Georgian authorities to respect and protect rights to freedom of expression and ...
As Haiti grapples with escalating violence and systemic collapse, its children are bearing the brunt of a multipronged crisis ...
UN independent human rights experts have called for urgent international intervention in Myanmar as civilian deaths hit 6,000 ...
People around the world are facing devastating consequences as the land that supports livelihoods, helps to regulate climate ...
Three billion people around the world are suffering the impact of poor and degraded land which will “increase levels of ...
Describing the situation in Gaza as “appalling and apocalyptic” the UN Deputy Secretary-General on Monday called on world ...
The UN Secretary-General has expressed alarm over the sharp escalation of violence across northwest Syria, calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a return to the UN-facilitated ...
备受瞩目的关于各国在气候变化方面承担的法律义务的公开听证会周一在荷兰海牙开幕,预计将有创纪录数量的口头陈述提交给国际法院。此次听证会旨在协助法院发布一份咨询意见,明确各国在国际法框架下应对气候变化的义务,以及违反这些义务可能面临的法律后果。听证会定于 ...
这是联合国 经社理事会 在周一召开的特别会议上传达的严酷信息。联合国主要机构的官员和人道主义合作伙伴在会上强调了海地的悲惨状况,并呼吁立即采取行动,向海地儿童提供帮助。
Un estudio de la agencia para los refugiados llevado a cabo en México señala que todas las mujeres participantes expresaron ...