Wales has come to the end of its second year of free Welsh lessons for 16- to 25-year olds, with school staff helping even ...
Sir Martyn Oliver gave his first speech as Ofsted’s chief inspector at the annual National Children and Adult Services ...
Tablets for Schools is a charity that commissions the largest independent research programme in the world on how tablets impact learning and attainment. The latest report summarises findings from an ...
Most education professionals recognise the value of learning outside the classroom (LOtC) in broadening the horizons of young people, raising self esteem and making learning more memorable. More and ...
The 5.5 per cent pay rise for teachers, as well as other changes, will have budget implications for schools. Peter Doyle, policy manager at British Educational Supplier Association (BESA), discusses ...
The government is currently reviewing the national curriculum, calling into question the importance, accessibility, and quality of Physical Education taught in schools. David Clarke, CEO of ...
When schools are designed, planners must consider their potential use outside of school hours, as well as how parents and members of the community will interact with them, writes Irena Barker The ...
There have been increasing concerns that the introduction of the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc) and Progress 8 has put arts subjects at risk, with GCSE arts entries falling A report by the Education ...
For safety and legal reasons you must maintain your minibus properly. Whether you own the vehicle outright or have one on a contract hire/lease arrangement, as the operator of the vehicle your ...
Diet-related illnesses are putting a huge strain on the nations NHS budget: up to £10 billion every year. LACA believes that every child across the UK should have the same opportunity to access a ...
Many organisations are clogged up with too much paper. The advent of the internet was supposed to herald the dawn of a paper-free world, which blatantly hasn’t happened. Nowhere is this truer than in ...