Egyedülálló szuperbaktérium-térképet készítettek magyar kutatók egy nemzetközi projekt keretében, ami az egyik ...
Hungary always has and always will defend itself against foreign attacks, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday after ...
Megöltek egy hétéves kisfiút India északi részén egy áldozati rituálé keretében, az üggyel összefüggésben öt embert őrizetbe ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says his country always has and always will defend itself against foreign attacks in ...
A top aide of Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has criticized Ukraine's resistance to Russia's full-scale invasion, calling it "irresponsible" and suggesting his country would have advised ...
Hungary, unlike Ukraine, would not have defended itself against a Russian invasion - said Balazs Orban, head of the political ...
A János-hegyen óránkénti 87,8 kilométeres, erősen viharos széllökés is előfordult. azok rágalmazzák Orbán Balázst kitartóan és engesztelhetetlenül, akik nem félreérthetően szoktak fogalmazni, hanem a ...
A top aide of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has triggered outrage by suggesting that Hungary would have fared better by not ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's political director called Ukraine's decision to defend itself militarily ...
Hungary, unlike Ukraine, would not have defended itself against a Russian invasion - said Balázs Orbán, head of the political ...
The Hungarian government is unlikely to respond to military aggression from Russia with resistance. Budapest considers ...