An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new extrasolar world orbiting a nearby star known as HD 86728 ...
The red giant phase is pretty crazy. The star's outer atmosphere can expand to hundreds of times its initial size; some ...
The first rocky planet ever spotted orbiting a burned out star called a white dwarf offers a glimpse of what may be in store ...
A summary of current science news includes the discovery of a frigid alien planet offering insight into Earth's distant ...
"A Sign in Space" simulated an extraterrestrial communication to see whether humans are prepared for the real deal.
By Alimat Aliyeva Astronomers say that the first rocky planet orbiting an extinct star called a white dwarf give ...
Astronomers listened for radio signals emanating from planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, but found no evidence of any ...
Alien: Romulus might have just served up one of the best sequences inAlienhistory, and one that the nextAlienvideo game ...
This content covers four current science news briefs: a rocky planet orbiting a white dwarf, a mother-daughter duo using ...
The idea that aliens may have visited the Earth is becoming increasingly popular. Around a fifth of UK citizens believe Earth ...
Such ancient or non-human beings could reside somewhere inside the Earth or under the oceans, they say.
New battleground-state polling says that when it comes to a thus-far hypothetical battle against marauding extraterrestrials, ...