The Pentagon needs to modernize its plans to defend against new threats from Russia and China.
Federal arts and cultural organizations have spent decades funneling taxpayer dollars into projects ranging from the profane ...
The company is losing $107,043 per EV sale, and taxpayers could end up paying.
An independent agency of government shouldn’t have such enormous power to skew financial outcomes.
We are a great democratic republic, we have been through a lot, and we are still the hope of the world.
The agency has created career pathways built on race rather than merit.
Israel nonprofit must hand over donor information.
New York’s mayor urges his party to address public safety and immigration.
Lobbying efforts push for negotiations with strongman Nicolás Maduro instead of seeking regime change.
The alignment could produce a legacy-defining foreign-policy win for President Biden before he departs, and one fewer global ...
The Trump administration could change America’s relationship with its three biggest trading partners.