28 Years Later released in cinemas on 20 June 2025. It reunites Boyle, Garland, and cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle, all ...
Starring the equally unknown Cillian Murphy, 28 Days Later is an unconventional zombie movie that trades the living dead for rage-infected humans whose hunger and hatred are indistinguishable.
Alex Garland says The Last of Us is better than his 2002 dystopian zombie horror 28 Days Later.
If I had the 2025 movie schedule posted on my refrigerator door, I’d probably have a nice red circle around 28 Years Later. The same would go for the second installment of this would-be trilogy ...
Awards season is done. The Oscars and the movies targeted at them are in the rearview mirror, with the focus shifting to Hollywood blockbuster season in the middle of the year and the smart genre ...
Alex Garland isn’t one to mince words, even when it comes to his own work. During a conversation with The Last of Us creator ...
The writer behind 28 Days Later has strong praise for The Last of Us during a conversation with Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann.
"'The Last of Us' is better than '28 Days Later,'" screenwriter Garland said of the video game. "It was very nice for me with 'The Last of Us' to sort of feel like someone saying, 'Where's your game?' ...