Professor Ron Boschma is the first Dutch person to receive the Prix Vautrin Lud, the highest academic award within the field of geography. The award will be presented in Saint-Di- ...
Dr. Abtahi will combine real world data, combined with molecular and genetic data, to find which drug can prevent rheumatoid arthritis.
Henk Kummeling, Rector Magnificus and professor of Comparative Constitutional Law at Utrecht University, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Western Cape (UWC) in Cape Town, ...
UU commissioned the integrated design team led by Mecanoo to redevelop Van Unnik and its immediate surroundings.
PhD Defense: Advances in Radionuclide Therapies for Neuroendocrine Tumor Liver Metastases ...
The Budget Memorandum now confirms that we are facing major cuts.” The government is cutting one billion euros from higher education. Starter grants (startersbeurzen) and incentive grants ...
Frank Biermann is the first political scientist to receive the Volvo Environment Prize. Photos: Joel Hong/Volvo Environment Prize Foundation . Governments and organisations meet y ...
Female and male primates often form close bonds, but not purely out of affection. Close relationships usually evolve when there is a clear benefit for both parties, with protection and reproductive ...
PhD Defense: Towards optimal therapy intensity in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia; The right dose for the right patient ...
During the Start of the Academic Year, Vice President Margot van der Starre presented the student awards. The award for the Best Master's thesis was won by Bilyana Manolova. In her thesis, Bilyana ...
PhD Defense: Bringing clinical research to patients; Ethical aspects of decentralized clinical trials ...
This dissertation describes studies that use a modern technique called single-cell RNA sequencing to study heart failure. With this technique, detailed molecular changes in heart failure can be ...