SCOR Investment Partners announces the launch of SCORLUX High Income Infrastructure Loans II, a sub-fund of SCORLUX SICAV-RAIF. The fund marks the second vintage of SCOR Investment Partners’ ...
Mermec, a global leader in advanced technologies for railway safety and digitalization (part of Angel Holding), is a key player at InnoTrans 2024, the world’s largest international trade fair for ...
Metso Corporation has received a notification, pursuant to Chapter 9, Section 5 and 6 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act, about a change in the shareholding of BlackRock, Inc.
Clean Motion AB has signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with Mitsubishi Fuso Truck Europe (MFTE), part of the Daimler Truck Group, to evaluate the potential for large-scale manufacturing of Clean Motion’s ...
Tenneco today introduced a next generation, environmentally friendly organic disc brake pad that meets the complex requirements of modern regional trains. The Jurid® 870 brake pad, featuring “Green ...
LUXEMBOURG, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Switzerland-based securitisation firm, Polaris Financial Investment, has signed a groundbreaking distribution partnership with four of the world’s top ...
Approximately 15% of LYB’s 2020 baseline scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions come from its electricity consumption. The company target to procure a minimum of 50% of its electricity from renewable ...
Innovation and sustainability: these were the keywords at the 4th Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous. The event, held at the Yacht Club de Monaco on the 22 and 23 September 2024, was ...
Kemianyhtiö Kemira päivittää pitkän aikavälin taloudelliset tavoitteensa. Uudet tavoitteet astuvat voimaan heti. Kemira ...
Vuosi on 2024, mutta tällä klubilla eletään kuin 1800-luvulla. Helsingin Suomalaisen Klubin jäseniksi ei naisilla ole ...
Keskiviikkona iltapäivällä Helsingin pörssi oli noususuunnassa. Keskiviikkona iltapäivällä Helsingin pörssin yleisindeksi oli ...
”Landpron osto tukee Sitowisen tavoitetta laajentaa liiketoimintaa energia-alan ja teollisuuden asiakkuuksissa. Kauppa luo ...