Stawką pojedynku w Rosenbergu w Teksasie pomiędzy Janibekiem Alimkhanulym i Vincenzo Gualtierim będą pasy mistrzowski WBO ...
Wrześniowe zwycięstwa Azzurrich nad Francją i Izraelem dały trochę radości ich spragnionym sukcesów fanom. Przekonamy się, ...
Autorzy serii towarzyszą badaczom na najważniejszych stanowiskach archeologicznych świata. Widzowie poznają kulisy pracy współczesnych odkrywców, którzy poszukują skarbów starożytnego Egiptu. Zadania ...
Known as a modern day apostle, the late Derek Prince's legacy lives on through Derek Prince Ministries and a vast archive of teaching materials that explain God's Word in ways everyone can understand.
Special episode with David and Tim Barton: Andrew interviews the Bartons talking about American history and the Bible.
Brian Bolt World Evangelism exists to raise up a global army of fire-baptized remnant believers to preach the Gospel around the world & see nations transformed by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Łukasz Jasina rozmawia z krytykiem filmowym Łukaszem Adamskim o dziełach, które zapisały się w historii kinematografii.
There's nothing like a bit of a 'time out' all to yourself - and there's nothing better than our selection of super smooth '80s songs to soothe you all the way!
Bill Winston of Living Word Christian Centre invites viewers to go deeper on their faith journey. His ministry is a solution-seeking outreach that embraces the Bible as the basis of existence.
Through worship, Bible-based teaching, and encouraging community, Christian Life Assembly have a desire to see lives changed by Jesus.
Apostle Robert Henderson seeks to disciple the nations and bring people into their Kingdom Destiny through his show, Courts of Heaven.
Dr David Jeremiah of Turning Point Broadcast Ministries and Shadow Mountain Church has a passion for people and an extraordinary ability to reach them by getting right to heart of important issues.