美國前總統、共和黨總統候選人特朗普當地星期五(27日), 呼籲對谷歌(Google)提出刑事訴訟, 聲稱該公司在線上搜尋結果, 偏袒競選對手美國現任副總統賀錦麗. 特朗普在社交 ...
Peru's business associations said on Friday that the country is "losing the battle" against organized crime, after an escalation in extortions forced the government to call in the military to help ...
Mali's military-led authorities have arrested four employees of Canadian miner Barrick Gold, two sources said on Friday. All four are senior Malian employees, one of the sources said. Barrick is the ...
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris will call for tighter asylum and border control measures for when ports of entry are shut in a speech later on Friday in Arizona, a campaign offici ...
Former U.S. Federal Aviation Administration contractor Abouzar Rahmati has been indicted for acting as an agent of the Iranian government, the U.S. Justice Department said on Friday.
Nine children deported to Russia since Moscow's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine returned home on Friday with the help of Qatar acting as an intermediary, Ukraine's ombudsman said.                  D ...
Lebanon's Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has led Hezbollah through decades of conflict with Israel, overseeing its transformation into a military force with regional sway and becoming one of the most promine ...
中共中央政治局委員兼外長王毅當地星期五(27日), 在紐約聯合國大會期間, 會見美國國務卿布林肯, 會晤超過一個小時. 美國國務卿布林肯會後表示會上向王毅重申, 華府對中方支持俄羅斯國防工業的強烈憂慮.         布林肯續指, 俄羅斯有七成工具儀器, 及九成微電子產品, 都來自中國及香港, 協助莫斯科生產維持戰爭所需的導彈、火箭、裝甲車, 以及彈藥, 質疑北京一直稱期望達致和平及結束衝突, ...