Ethiopian FM rejects Somalia’s ‘unfounded allegations’ at UN, warns of ‘recent manoeuvres’ by external actors Addis Standard - ...
Addis Abeba – Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister, has expressed concern over the recent arms shipments to Somalia, stating that they could “further exacerbate the fragile ...
Addis Abeba – The Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures at Addis Ababa University (AAU) has announced the development of a language description atlas aimed at mapping the interactions and ...
Finfinnee, Fulbaana 24/2024 – Haala nageenya Somaaliyaa tasgabbaa’aa hin taane keessatti meeshaaleen waraanaa humnoota alaatiin dhiyaatan harka shororkeessitootaati kufuu akka malu Ministirri Dhimma ...
Addis Abeba – An Egyptian military cargo ship arrived in Mogadishu yesterday, delivering what media reports describe as “the largest shipment of military aid” to Somalia since the United Nations ...
Addis Abeba – In early 2024, a major geopolitical event unfolded in the Horn of Africa with far-reaching consequences. Ethiopia and Somaliland signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 01 January ...
Getachew Reda, the President of the Tigray Interim Administration (Photo: Tigray TV) Addis Abeba – The interim administration of the Tigray region, led by Getachew Reda, has announced that the ...
Finfinnee, Fulbaana 23/2024 – Dooniin fe’umsa waraanaa Masrii kaleessa Fulbaana 22, 2024 meeshaalee waraanaa gurguddoo fi misaa’elii farra xiyyaara waraanaa fe’e buufata doonii Moqaadishootti ...
Finfinnee, Fulbaana 23, 2024 – Mana Marii Nageenyaa Dhaabbata Mootummoota Gamtoomanii keessatti Afrikaan bakka “bu’ummaa sirrii ta’e” akka argattu Itoophiyaan irra deebiin gaafatte. Itoophiyaan ...
Finfinnee, Fulbaana 13/2024 – Addi Bilisummaa Biyyaalessaa Ogaaden (ONLF) ibsa baaseen haasawaa Ajajaan Waliigalaa Rayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa Fiild Maarshaal Birhaanuu… ...
Addis Abeba – The Government of Somalia has raised concerns over what it describes as an “unauthorized shipment of arms and ammunition” allegedly transported through Ethiopia to Somalia’s Puntland ...