Extreme gender-based discrimination is not only systematic abuse of women and girls and violation of human rights conventions ...
United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres called on the world to look for 21st century solutions to 21st century ...
UN Secretary General António Guterres has expressed his concern at the escalation of violence in the Middle East and the ...
As wars rage worldwide, with civilian casualties a daily occurrence, critics of the United Nations say the body is failing at ...
O secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, está “muito preocupado” com o número de vítimas civis no Líbano, declarou seu porta-voz nesta segunda-feira (23), depois que as autoridades libanesas repor ...
Israeli military ‘targets senior Hezbollah leader’ in Beirut as 274 killed in strikes - It is the deadliest day in Lebanon ...