Ian Walker loves exploring niche communities and researching the development of classic video games. Toshiro Mifune died of multiple organ failure in 1997 at the age of 77, but the impenetrable ...
日本氣象廳估計,這波降雪,24小時內可能在日本海側的北陸和近畿地區,帶來70公分的積雪;而且部分地區,雪還會下到下個星期。現在包括東北新 ...
This role was previously played by Takeshi Kaga in the original Japanese Iron Chef, and Dacascos' character is presented as Kaga's nephew, though the actors are not related. Dacascos went on to ...
每年12月~隔年4月,北海道的雪季總會吸引著無數滑雪愛好者,尤其在3~4月「春雪」時段,當其他地方的滑雪場已經差不多準備「打烊」之際,北海道還擁有相當足夠的雪量,不只愛滑雪的人 ...
Stanford’s Asian American Art Initiative allows for a range of expression not usually granted to Asian-American artists — something especially refreshing in this rare moment of visibility.