There are quite a few languages in Dungeons & Dragons' base game - here's everything you need to know about them.
Wizards of the Coast has finally created a 3D virtual version of Dungeons and Dragons, and it would have been revolutionary - in 2020.
The 2014 5e character sheet is a single two-sided affair ... Roll20 can roll the relevant dice for you and figure out the results. Roll20 is also currently the best place to find a digital DnD 2024 ...
Goshen & Dragons has partnered with Theater Geeks, Dweebs and Weirdos to present a live actual play of Dungeons & Dragons at the Goshen Theater at 7 p.m. Friday, March 21 Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
The seminal tabletop role-playing game’s first internally produced 3D virtual tabletop (VTT) app is finally live, and it ...
It’s trying to bring that old-school vibe to 5e.” “You have a grid on the back of your character sheet,” Byrne says, “and you have a number of slots in your inventory equal to your ...
As someone who has run a mostly-online 5th Edition D&D campaign for almost ... Whether it’s custom characters (complete with their character sheets), custom buildings, or even entire ...
This week's 5E compatible RPGs include a book of fantasy cookery, a cursed village, a tome of cursed curiosities, and more.