DC's terrifying vampire reality finds a solution for the bloodsuckers but it could lead to major death and destruction across ...
“Before the fever” was described by Grimes as “literal death” in an interview with Apple Music, featuring a cathartic climax ...
World War V #7, where the son of Mister Miracle and Big Barda might save humanity... or is Granny Goodness pulling everyone's ...
Jack Kirby the legendary comic book artist is finally getting the documentary he deserves. Kirbyvision is a feature-length ...
Batman's "Year One" launched an ongoing series that reimagined the origins of iconic DC heroes, though some characters also ...
I’m loyal to nothing, General — except the dream.” That statement may have come in 1986’s Daredevil #233, but it captures the ...
DC Comics Absolute Event Planned for The End Of 2025... and might we get an Absolute Detective Chimp from Scott Snyder?
The European and World Day against the Death Penalty is observed every 10 October. The day serves as reminder that despite the global trend towards the abolition, capital punishment still applies in ...