A group of students wait in line to order from one of four food trucks on campus weekly. Leslie’s Taqueria serves Mexican ...
The Outsider From the Other Side is a complete in-person mixed-media art installation at the Harold J. Miossi Art Gallery ...
Individuals and groups that fraudulently enroll in classes and collect financial aid are continuing to drain Cuesta and other ...
21 years old, currently focusing on Social Media Marketing and Advertising. Loves the outdoors, hiking, swimming, camping, and traveling. Can’t wait to see what the future holds while working with ...
Sports Editor.Nineteen years old in his second year at Cuesta College. Love to ski, surf, play any sport with friends and family. Huge, loyal Bay Area and New York sports fan.
Alena is a fun-loving, creative spirit who has started a new era of her life in SLO, combining her love for fashion, writing, beach life, reading, exercise, and healthy living into a colorful tapestry ...
Opinion Editor for the Cuestonian. House music and Italian food connoisseur. Cuesta '29.
Daniel would describe himself as a lifelong learner, writer, creator, cook and long-term traveler, interested in creating community, collaboration and co-creation. He has been in love with the same ...
Nathan Moran is a 21-year-old Liberal Arts and Animation student at Cuesta College. He'll be transferring to Vancouver Film School in Canada this coming Fall to study Animation. He will be the ...
Damon is a third year journalism major at Cuesta College. When he isn't producing intriguing stories, he enjoys going surfing, watching films, and playing music.
Andrew Gregg is the Cuestonian news editor. He was formerly editor-in-chief and managing editor. He has a degree from Cuesta in social and behavioral sciences, and is pursuing a degree in journalism.
Editor in Cheif, radio enthusiast, and future NPR news correspondent.