Driving the Amyloid Cascade? A microglial subtype, Mic.12, promotes plaque deposition, while another, Mic.13, promotes tangles. An astrocyte subtype, Ast.10, contributes to cognitive decline, as well ...
About two-thirds of people with Alzheimer’s disease are women, yet due to the challenges in studying X chromosomes, a genetic foundation for this has been difficult to uncover. Now, two large ...
She co-leads that institution’s MODEL-AD core along with Bruce Lamb. MODEL-AD aims to create mouse models that reflect different biological subtypes of AD that have been found in people, in hopes of ...
Two Types. Confocal microscopy reveals α-synuclein (green) and lipids (red) in three adjacent inclusions (left and right). The white arrows point to Type I inclusions loaded with lipids. Blue ...
Immunotherapy can remove extracellular amyloid plaques from Alzheimer’s brain, but has so far failed to clear intracellular tau tangles. Now, two papers propose a solution: tagging them for ...
PI and Co-founder International Group of Neuroscience, Neuroengineering and Neurophilosophy IGN(S,E,P) https://www.researchgate.net/lab/Juan-Fernando-Gomez-Molina-Lab ...
This constitutive KI mouse model was generated by Flp-mediated homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells to introduce an S65A point mutation in exon 3 of the Park2 (Parkin) gene ...
Physician and Surgeon - Universidad de Antioquia, UA, Antioquia, Colombia. Doctor of Medicine – Magna cum laude - University of Hamburg, Hamburg, HH, Germany. PostDoc – Alzheimer’s Disease ...
Columbia College in the City of New York Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Neurobiology) Harvard Medical School (MD PhD Program) ...