Please refer to the upgrade instructions corresponding to your installation method.
The Form Helper file contains functions that assist in working with forms.
The Table Class provides functions that enable you to auto-generate HTML tables from arrays or database result sets.
CodeIgniter features wrappers around some of the most popular forms of fast and dynamic caching. All but file-based caching require specific server requirements, and a Fatal Exception will be thrown ...
CodeIgniter has a Benchmarking class that is always active, enabling the time difference between any two marked points to be calculated. Note This class is initialized automatically by the system so ...
The Database Utility Class contains methods that help you manage your database.
Normally the second segment of the URL is reserved for the method name, but in the example above it instead has a product ID. To overcome this, CodeIgniter allows you ...
The URI Class provides methods that help you retrieve information from your URI strings. If you use URI routing, you can also retrieve information about the re-routed segments. The optional second ...
Here is an example showing how you can create a table from a multi-dimensional array. Note that the first array index will become the table heading (or you can set your own headings using the ...
BCC Batch Mode, enabling large email lists to be broken into small BCC batches. Sending email is not only simple, but you can configure it on the fly or set your preferences in the ...
CodeIgniter gives you access to a Query Builder class. This pattern allows information to be retrieved, inserted, and updated in your database with minimal scripting. In some cases only one or two ...
The CodeIgniter’s Model provides convenience features and additional functionality that people commonly use to make working with a single table in your database more convenient. It comes out of the ...