Sivaji Ganesan in Vasantha Maaligai Movie. Tamil movie Vasantha Maligai stills and wallpapers for download. Shivaji Ganesan in Vasantha Maaligai Movie - #12 :Vasantha Maaligai Movie stills. Sivaji ...
asks Sujata, sitting on the steps of Udhayam Theatre with a manja pai, waiting for the afternoon show of Vasantha Maligai. Her friend too, joins the conversation. She says, “The first movie I ...
Sivaji Ganesan and Vanisree in Vasantha Maaligai - #2 :Shivaji Ganesan and Vanisree in Vasantha Maaligai Tamil Movie. Vasantha Maligai movie stills and wallpapers for download. Shivaji Ganesan in ...