The Lion King sets Disney up for a live-action Lion King sequel in the near future. Directed by Academy Award-winning ...
The Lion King,” a live-action/photo-realistic CGI prequel to “The Lion King” that follows the origin story of Mufasa, Simba’s ...
William Bibbiani is among the top critics on Rotten Tomatoes giving Mufasa: The Lion King a “fresh” review. In his review for The Wrap, Bibbiani writes, “It’s in little danger of becoming a classic ...
Mufasa: The Lion King” is an odd movie. Realistic-looking lions, warthogs, meerkats and whatever break into song repeatedly.
earning a soft rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The Disney musical serves both as a prequel and a sequel to the 1994 animated movie The Lion King and its live-action remake, directed by Jon Favreau and ...
Though Jenkins’ new movie is light on plot, it keeps the action moving briskly jumping from scene to scene with precision and fluidity even though the humorous references to the Broadway musical ...
The Lion King franchise reportedly expands again, sparking debate on 2024’s Hollywood obsession with sequels and spin-offs ...
MUFASA: THE LION KING (PG) 120mins ★★★★☆ BARRY JENKINS, the director behind beautiful coming-of-age tale Moonlight, is back and this time he is taking on Disney’s savannah saga in Mufasa: The Lion ...
This is a prequel and a sequel — the split is about 85/15 — to 2019's "The Lion King," the live action-like photorealistic remake of 1994's "The Lion King." But it doesn't turn over any new ...
"Mufasa: The Lion King" is now in theaters. Get ready to return to the Pride Lands—Mufasa: The Lion King is now in theaters. The film explores Mufasa's backstory and his rise to become the ...
Sure, there was the 2019 “live-action” “Lion King” but, for some reason, those animals didn’t rankle. Here, they’re almost frightening. Realism isn’t necessarily the best route for ...