Boston Dynamics takes us behind the scenes of how it's training the new Atlas humanoid to tackle its first task: auto parts sequencing.
At the Robotics Summit, Aaron Saunders will unpack the Atlas humanoid and share insights from being at the forefront of ...
Explore the advanced technology behind Atlas, the humanoid robot designed to operate seamlessly in human environments.
It looks like science fiction’s vision of our robot future was right. As robots increasingly become a normal aspect of the ...
It's worth noting that even though hardware for robot platforms appears to be advancing at a steady pace (well, maybe not always ), creating a capable AI model that can pilot these robots autonomously ...
An API upgrade made to the Boston Dynamics Spot allows the robot to run three times faster than it's capable as it rolls out ...
Boston Dynamics founder Marc Raibert says ... Last November I wrote about efforts to create entirely new kinds of models for controlling robots. If that work starts to bear fruit we may see ...
It was nearly eight years ago when Boston Dynamics’ bipedal Atlas robot performed its first-ever back flip, dazzling everyone with its incredible balance, agility, and precision. Now ...
Samsung SDI teams up with the automakers in search of a breakthrough, but it’s not a limitation that can be easily overcome.
Robot backflips are so passé ... Ever since Boston Dynamics' Atlas stuck that backflip back in 2017 and wowed (frightened?) the entirety of humanity, it seems like any ol' robot can throw a ...
Generative AI and mechatronics advances from a slew of vendors could soon remake the ‘smart robot’ marketplace in a range of ...
Atlas, an AI-powered humanoid robot from Hyundai Motor-backed Boston Dynamics, is set to begin trial operations at the carmaker's manufacturing factories by the end of the year. Boston Dynamics ...